Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Julianne Hough's "GOT MILK" Campaign (ALL photos are taken by me)

Each new year, new resolutions are made! We tease each other about being obligated to have at least one specific goal. For most woman (including myself), eating healthy and exercising seems to be our declaration. But how many of us pull through?
 When times get stressful, and we're reaching for that "last" cookie (and end up eating 5 more), sometimes we lose our will power...

Triple threat, Julianne Hough on the other hand is the new guidance by being chosen  to advertise the
"Got Milk" Campaign!

“I would never have accomplished my dreams if I didn’t have confidence in myself – and a big part of feeling confident comes down to looking and feeling my best,” said Julianne. “Through my new Milk Mustache ad and the Power of 9 program, I want to inspire girls to make good choices regularly to help them be their best and reach their own goals – so they can serve as role models for other teens.”

While joining Seventeen Magazine at their headquarters, girls scrunched together to view the unveiling of the new advertisement!

E News Interviewer Giuliana Depandi

The FABULOUS Editors!

Behind the scenes photo!
Ha! Look at these Milk Mustaches! Oops!


  1. I am so proud of you, Nova:)

  2. Nova, your blog is most inovative I ever saw.
    You are inspiration to me!
