Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sure Manhattan, the city of lights, big apple dreams, crowded streets and just regular people right? NO SIR'E! Even reality stars are known and appreciated here. After taking a phone call, and talking my way through the street, I noticed a familiar face. One that I had been following all season long with my favorite of the designer's Chris being on it. Unique designs took people into intimidation. Often he was mocked by having new intuitive ideas on ways to sew. The most outstanding of the designs was a collared shirt razor cut blazer made out of pure fabric, yards of it...and *drum-roll*, yards of HUMAN HAIR as well! Who would have thought that fashion was only limited to flat colored patterns on a suit. Many questioned his "canvas art" on his mannequin. But me unlike others was very proud of the real risk taken that I had never seen before. Should passion only be required to fit inside the box? - fraid' not!
Realized I have mistakenly thought of Chris as a regular person just walking past me on the street, I shut down my cell, and ran a block in order to actually meet him.
Oh trust me, did it pay off. I am positive that he will come up with new fabulous designs for Fashion Week. Sometimes the person doesn't have to be a big celeb to impress you, often it just start with impacting inspiration conceptional art.
The run was well worth it:)