Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good Morning Baltimore!

The Girl's Club and I embarked on a journey when they rented out a 16 passenger van for girls to visit Baltimore, Maryland this weekend. After a four hours drive and a night to hang out and rest, the next day, the adventure started.

We visited the American Visionary Arts Museum, and we were honored to receive a personal tour by the found of the museum herself, Rebecca. She had such a warm heart and truly spoke passionately about her work. She personalized the tour by telling us detailed life stories, and happenings of the artists' work that we were viewing. This museum was very unique in the fact that it was completely opposite of for example the MET museum because the space was very comfortable, colorful, and modern. She spoke how some of the artists had A.D.D. and couldn't focus in school yet they still made a huge sculpture that took them 7 years out of toothpicks- yes, toothpicks. This inspired me to take advantage of all my skills, and to appreciate my health. 

The next day, we greeted incoming people for the ECO-Fest in which speakers came to lecture about environmental issues such as the climate, global warming, pollution, coaling, fracking; etc. Monks from Tibet even arrived to demonstrate their cultural singing to an audience of 500. It was greatly educational, and eye-opening. The facts struck me, but the emotions of the speakers especially - Laura Antrim Caskey, an award winning photojournalist was tearing up while speaking about fracking and the people it heavily affected. Her emotions made me respect her so much more because I recognize how deeply and passionately she cares for her activism.

       The trip was extremely educational, personal, and gave me a great outlook. I truly enjoyed Baltimore, and I hope to visit again soon.

                                  The wonders you'll find in the A.V.A.M. ladies' room!

I liked this creativity in the writing however I totally DISAGREE with the statement: "If we're dumb, people find it cute." Excuse me - being uneducated in not at all cute. Therefore ladies' show the world more than your beauty-show them your thoughts. Be educated. Question. Think for yourself. Never let someone say you're cute, because you shouldn't portray cuteness, you should portray POWER.

The Girl's Club produced the following photos! :D

The Founder Rebecca

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"ode to being a 17 year old girl"

"I am 16 going on 17, baby I'm on the brink."
Brink into adulthood, the neighborhood filled with bills, work, babies, and responsibility for the future.
The year of 18 that I sign my own papers with my initials.
An ode to late night girl phone calls, and the years that seem the hardest as adolescents feel insecurities, doubts, and moments of unforgettable laughter and happiness.
Late nights with tea, writing my thoughts, Erykah Badu playing softly, and my lanterns above my bed, calming my tiredness.
The room full of nail polish, makeup, quotes, pictures, inspirational boards, glitter, faith bracelets and revolutionary posters depicting feminism, and the fight for human rights.
Life stories fill the room's ears' as girlfriends come in and leave.
Puffs tissues conquer my trash basket with old papers.
The books that pile up as must-reads.
The colorful, bright collages that brighten my inspiration.
The room that nurtures my way to becoming a woman.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can't make it to NYC for the Holidays? No problem...I'll bring NYC to you!

Forget Breakfast at Tiffany's! I want Breakfast at Bergdorf Goodman!
This holiday season is full of beautifully lit retail store windows. For years New Yorkers have been gathering to witness the bright lights all around the Big Apple ranging from 34th street's Macys' to 5th Avenue's Bergdorf Goodman! This Holiday's window's display "Carnival of the Animals," with extremely detailed dresses, backgrounds, and settings for all the seasons.

David Hoey, Senior Director of Visual Presentation, and team devote an entire year to the production of the holiday windows. They will remain on display through January 3, 2012.

 "The Brass Menagerie" features bronzy, and gold textures with the model displaying a Naeem Khan dress with copper pennies as props.

 " Breaking the Ice” a model wears J. Mendel surrounded by Arctic Monkeys and the snowy mountain alps.

 “Testing the Waters" depicts a model wearing a flowy Alexander McQueen has a Italian hand-cut mosaic tile with sparkly sea creatures swimming around.

"Teacher’s Pets” has a model wearing a gorgeous Marchesa gowns with a 3-dimensional unique paper classroom filled with black and white paper animals.

"Where do the ducks go?"

Windows at Macy's